Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Brain Training Program

As promised, here's my list of principles for brain training and what I'm doing with them:
1.  Don't forget the basics:  exercise, nutrition, safety.  Until a couple of years ago, I got up in all
     weather and walked outside at 4:30 almost every morning.   The aerobic exercise finally saturated my brain with enough oxygen to recognize that this was risky behavior--a realization helped along by a home invasion that occurred along my walking route.  Now my morning routine includes exercise videos by Leslie Sansone or Debbie Rocker or a session with wii fit.  Here's a sample of Leslie Sansone:  Go to .  Select the walking videos to the right of the screen.
2.  In addition to exercising your body, exercise your brain.  Challenge your brain by learning something new, by doing something outside your comfort zone, by kicking familiar activities up a notch.  Brain games, like those mentioned in the last post are a fine addition as long as you vary them to exercise multiple brain functions.  One I like is  In addition to the exercises, there are some good principles listed.  Learning new computer programs is frequently mentioned as good for making new neurons, as is learning a foreign language.

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